rick / willis 🐩
poodle princess

any prns . 19fujin / favorite animal ever is the poodle and my favorite color is pink!no dni, i block freely. please curate your internet experience to your liking. 🐩

CONNORgeneral inspiration, p2 carrds, edits, ect. and also just being my favorite rat! :3

OTHERstamp templates by crystallywinx , ccb-18swirlix’s on p2 blinkie 1 , 2p2 home button artist , post

Anything else within the page has it's source if you click on it (the poodle stamp, for example) if it doesn't I am unable to find the source at the moment or it has been deleted, but please know I don't claim as my own, and all credit belongs to the creator(s). <3

update log

small or big, it's logged here... it's for myself, really.

6/21 - happy birthday to me! a week ago i also added something to a collection page i forgot to log here i believe, oops.6/5 - new illustration/doodle sections, added to strawpage gallery, new poodle added to webkinz collection5/31 - completed hunt added to poketwo5/30 - new stuff added to poketwo collections (kalos, fairy)5/25 - moved links in creds to a new section, added website marks to the section. other minor changes done as well5/20 - added credits5/16 - moved links to one page, changed buttons graphic5/12 - updated credits5/07 - fixed mobile buttons, text, and credits5/06 - added "secret" update log, fixed and added to credits section